Monday, October 18, 2010


Not a full on tot school post...but a fun tot school type activity!! Jake has had this since Christmas and he loves it now. Its just a fisher*price milk jug with 5 cookies and a slot in the top. He loves to dump them and put them back in the slot- and mommy claps every time!!!

I want to get my act together (as soon as I'm feeling up to it) and do some more activities (and document them).

Jake is growing up so fast and is really learning how to play independently! I love it! He loves books too (just like big brother)! He's still not saying much and we can tell it frustrates him (and us too!). We're working on using the paci less (but it has been a tough week and a half with a new little brother in the house).
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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Cole is 8 days old!!!

We missed the one week picture, but this pic was taken last night (@8 days old). Mommy got Cole's chair cover personalized yesterday (and Jake's new cover) so we got a pic of the 3 boys!!!

Cole is doing great. He's feeding well, sleeping well, and adjusting great to the general volume of the E house!!! :)

He had an appt tuesday (a weight check) and was at his discharge weight of 6 lbs 6 oz. We follow up again tuesday for another weight check to make sure he's on track. (that will be a big day...we're taking all 3 boys to the pedi for appts...Max and Jake have well visits and flu shots). Pray for that outing.

We're hoping to go to church tomorrow, as long as mommy's recovery continues, and then to papa's for a hopefully sunny fall day!!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fun lunch

I attempted a fun lunch today for the boys. Not completely healthy- mac*n*cheese and a lunch*able. But I'm trying to expand from pizza and hamburger!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My 3 boys

We're getting settled in as a family of 5 and I'm loving it!!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Cole Weston
6 lbs 10 oz. 19" long
Born 10/7/10 @ 11:07am

Happy Birthday Baby Boy!!!
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Sunday, October 3, 2010

3 Years Old!!!

My baby turned 3 today!!!!

So we had a Toy Story 3 birthday with the cousins!!!

Max got Buzz Lightyear from Mommy and Daddy!!

He loved the spaceship box almost as much as Buzz himself!!!

All the cousins had so much fun playing with the new toys: Handy Manny, Trio, and Duplo!!! They had a blast!!!

All in all it was a great birthday. Little brother/sister decided not to come today (although mommy was unsure at some points). Max celebrated with his cousins and had a wonderful time (except he still doesn't like it when people sing to him!!!).

And just for a trip down memory's my baby, just minutes after he was born.....

And the chair pic that started it week old. He was such a little peanut and is now my big big boy!!!

Happy Birthday Bubby Max!!!!! Mommy, Daddy and Jake love you sooo much!!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Right now...

Max loves books. Jake loves books. Mommy loves seeing her boys read!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Haircuts at home!!!

My boys were long......

long...overdue for haircuts.

Jake was sporting a Beiber and Max looked like a blond Jonas.

Don't get me wrong...they were adorable...but starting to look like pretty little girls.
Problem, the last haircut both boys got was so traumatic even mommy didn't want to go back. They screamed and hollered. They hated every minute and set each other would cry so the other one would start. This was even at one of those kids places where they sat in tractor and firetrucks.

I knew there was a better way. Jas and I talked about me cutting their hair. I've read about other bloggers doing it and saving tons of time and $$$. Jas even offered I do his too!!!

So with some convincing from my coworkers, I bought a $20 set of clippers.

We turned on Toy Story 2 I cut my 3 boys hair (Jas, Max, and Jake). It was actually not traumatic at all and while it's not's doable. And the clippers actually paid for themselves that day!!! And Jas said I could do it again!!! Yay!!! I feel like it's another rite of passage into motherhood!!!

I know you're's the after I said it wasn't perfect...



This was a while ago and they're all actually due for another soon!!!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Tot school update!

I haven't posted much tot school stuff lately- but I promise we're still doing all the activities! I'm just not having the chance to organize my thoughts into a post!
But here's proof! Jake played with these cups for a good 20 minutes this am. We stacked. Knocked down. Stacked again!
His motor skills are really getting strong!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Jake loves books!

This boy loves to look at books! He's so much gentler with them than big brother ever has been!

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

How Max's potty training is going...

Wrong kid. Fully dressed. Pulled the potty into the hallway. Sat on it.

Jake may get it before Max does! Haha!
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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A day out and about!

The boys were so good for mommy today! We went out just the 3 of us for the first time in a long time! Since it wasn't too hot we went to a local shopping area and walked and mommy was able to get some shopping done! They were very good for me!! They're really growing up!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy father's day!!

Not sure when or if my babies' daddy will read this blog...but I wanted to wish him and all the other baby's daddies a happy father's day!!!

Jason- I love you so much!! You are an amazing father and husband!! Thank you for all you do for us!!

Kristi, Max, Jake, and the bean.
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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!!

From the E family!!!

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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Jake!!

I can't believe you're a year old today!!! You are such a big boy!! You're the spitten image of your daddy and everyone loves your little grin!! You're so close to taking your first steps! You're a crawling champ! You love your big brother and follow him everywhere. You also share his love of cars and disney movies!!
You sleep great and wake up content in your crib!! You're picky about your baby food!! Somedays it feels like you put everything in your mouth- except the finger food I try to give you!!
You bring such joy to mommy and daddy's life!! We love you so much!! We're excited to watch you grow up and watch you grow closer to your brother!! And it'll be even more fun to watch you grow into your role as BIG BROTHER!!! Yes- that silly grin you give us makes us realize you're gonna do great in your role as a middle child!!!!!!
Baby Jake- we love you so much!! Happy first Birthday Baby!!
Love you,
Mommy, Daddy and big bro Max
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Saturday, March 6, 2010


Welp- I didn't get anymore posts put up because I got sick!! I had it bad!! This stomach bug isn't one to mess with people!! It has gotten Jason, Max and me!! We're praying poor Jake doesn't get it!!

I'm going back to work tonight and I actually feel really good now! Still kind of weak so I'm hoping sleeping all day helps!

I'm sending this 1 update to both blogs because its just easier. I hope to return to regularly scheduled blogging next week!

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sick baby!

Its been a rough week at the e house!! Sunday Daddy had a stomach bug! Thinking we were in the clear- but today Max got sick- bad!!! So we're still recovering! Poor baby seems to be doing better- but is still pretty subdued and his butt is really raw from the rapid fire dirty diapers!!!

We're praying it stops here and that Jake and Mommy don't get it!!

We've still been doing tot school learning things. I'm hoping to do a post tomorrow and link up with Tot school on sunday! With mommy's schedule its really tough to get the post up and link in time. So I'm gonna try to do the posts on thursdays and see if that's any more efficient for me!!

We'd appreciate the prayers for a quick recovery!!!
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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tot School

Tot School

Max is 28 months and Jake is 10 months

Tot school was a little light this week and I have NO pictures:(. We all have horrible colds and with blizzard like conditions it was a very lazy week!!!

But the boys continued to have fun with colors, A activities, playing ball with one another, and just having some good play time!!! Max is mastering all the letter sounds (thanks to the fridge letters and the letter factory DVD!!!).

This week we'll start B crafts and continue color and number learning!!!

For more ideas on tot school and activities (especially during Blizzard watch 2010!!!)....check out Carisa's blog:


Monday, February 8, 2010

Book time!

Max loves books and I think Jake is following his lead!! I love this soooo much!!

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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Tot School!!!

Tot School

Another great week of Tot School!!!! We love Tot school!!!!
Max is 28 months and Jake is 10 months!!

First a pic of Jake exploring!! I dug up some toys Max used to play with and let Jake work on manipulating things. He enjoyed them (and fit most of them in his mouth!!)

We colored our A page I found from Homeschool Creations. We have never colored much with actual crayons so this was very fun for Max and I see I can trust him a lot more than what I realized!!!

I got out the Color cards I made and Max LOVED them!!! We sorted his cars on them and then pretty much anything else we could find!!! I want to make another set a little more sturdy!! He even was singing "green, blue, purple (puhple)" at night when he was going to bed!!! We surprised daddy with how well we knew our colors by spreading them out and calling a color out to Max and he'd bring the card to us!!!! He wanted to play with these every day!!! And they were so simple!!!

On Wednesday I cut out his A pictures he had colored and we pasted them on his A sheet for his notebook. He would point to the items and tell me what each was!!!

I think the highlight of the A week was paper AIRPLANES with daddy!!!

Jake thought they were absolutely hilarious!!!

Daddy also built a fort for Max and Jake (and daddy) to play in!!!

They had soooo much fun playing in it!!!

Next week plan on wrapping up A and reviewing our A verse, then starting some Valentine activities (from Totally Tots).

For more Tot school ideas, check out Carisa's Blog Carnival at:


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tools for tots: Color cards

Since I got both boys to nap at the same time (which is a victory in itself) I decided to make a "tool for tots"!!

I think I'll use these in many ways!! We'll start this afternoon hopefully sorting Max's cars by color! Max is digging colors a lot so I'm really hoping we can sort lots of things by color!!

Check out tools for tots for more diy ideas for your tot!!

Tools For Tots

Monday, February 1, 2010

Tot School!!

Max is 27 months and Jake is 9 months old!!

I'm still working out the details of what our activities are for Max, but I've decided to work through an ABC notebook using the verses from Totally Tots!! It's a great concept and has printables and I even bought the itunes that has the verses put to music!!!

We're just gonna start with A and work our way through the alphabet!!

We also did more coloring with Color Wonder!!!!

On wednesday we went to an amazing Children's museum!!! Local Moms, email me and I can tell you all about it!!! Max loved it and Jake enjoyed himself too!!!

Here he is playing with the "potting center":

He was a ham on the Stage Corner. He played with the microphone, piano, and lights:

The water table was a huge hit with all 3 of my boys!!!!


and even Daddy:
On Thursday I made our Chicka chicka Boom tree. I got the idea from Confessions of a Homeschooler.

Max says "tree" whenever he walks past. He points out the A and says "chicka chicka boom"

We also did more coloring on thursday.

I'm not going to necessarily do a letter a week. In fact I may work through the alphabet a little slower. I have some more A plans for this week as well as some color and number activities!!!

For more Tot school ideas, check out Carisa @ 1+1+1=1!!! I'm finding tons of ideas there!!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Coolest place ever!!!

We found a fun fun childrens museum!! More info later!! Just a pic of Max in a woo woo!!

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