Sunday, February 7, 2010

Tot School!!!

Tot School

Another great week of Tot School!!!! We love Tot school!!!!
Max is 28 months and Jake is 10 months!!

First a pic of Jake exploring!! I dug up some toys Max used to play with and let Jake work on manipulating things. He enjoyed them (and fit most of them in his mouth!!)

We colored our A page I found from Homeschool Creations. We have never colored much with actual crayons so this was very fun for Max and I see I can trust him a lot more than what I realized!!!

I got out the Color cards I made and Max LOVED them!!! We sorted his cars on them and then pretty much anything else we could find!!! I want to make another set a little more sturdy!! He even was singing "green, blue, purple (puhple)" at night when he was going to bed!!! We surprised daddy with how well we knew our colors by spreading them out and calling a color out to Max and he'd bring the card to us!!!! He wanted to play with these every day!!! And they were so simple!!!

On Wednesday I cut out his A pictures he had colored and we pasted them on his A sheet for his notebook. He would point to the items and tell me what each was!!!

I think the highlight of the A week was paper AIRPLANES with daddy!!!

Jake thought they were absolutely hilarious!!!

Daddy also built a fort for Max and Jake (and daddy) to play in!!!

They had soooo much fun playing in it!!!

Next week plan on wrapping up A and reviewing our A verse, then starting some Valentine activities (from Totally Tots).

For more Tot school ideas, check out Carisa's Blog Carnival at:



  1. What a fun week! I love the airplanes :-)

  2. Those color cards are so smart. I have started using the number cards on Confessions of a Homeschooler, but these are so simply and effective. Thanks!

  3. What a fun week!! Great ideas!

    We do Tot School as well (my son is 33 months)! :)

    Counting Coconuts
