Monday, October 18, 2010


Not a full on tot school post...but a fun tot school type activity!! Jake has had this since Christmas and he loves it now. Its just a fisher*price milk jug with 5 cookies and a slot in the top. He loves to dump them and put them back in the slot- and mommy claps every time!!!

I want to get my act together (as soon as I'm feeling up to it) and do some more activities (and document them).

Jake is growing up so fast and is really learning how to play independently! I love it! He loves books too (just like big brother)! He's still not saying much and we can tell it frustrates him (and us too!). We're working on using the paci less (but it has been a tough week and a half with a new little brother in the house).
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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Cole is 8 days old!!!

We missed the one week picture, but this pic was taken last night (@8 days old). Mommy got Cole's chair cover personalized yesterday (and Jake's new cover) so we got a pic of the 3 boys!!!

Cole is doing great. He's feeding well, sleeping well, and adjusting great to the general volume of the E house!!! :)

He had an appt tuesday (a weight check) and was at his discharge weight of 6 lbs 6 oz. We follow up again tuesday for another weight check to make sure he's on track. (that will be a big day...we're taking all 3 boys to the pedi for appts...Max and Jake have well visits and flu shots). Pray for that outing.

We're hoping to go to church tomorrow, as long as mommy's recovery continues, and then to papa's for a hopefully sunny fall day!!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fun lunch

I attempted a fun lunch today for the boys. Not completely healthy- mac*n*cheese and a lunch*able. But I'm trying to expand from pizza and hamburger!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My 3 boys

We're getting settled in as a family of 5 and I'm loving it!!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Cole Weston
6 lbs 10 oz. 19" long
Born 10/7/10 @ 11:07am

Happy Birthday Baby Boy!!!
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Sunday, October 3, 2010

3 Years Old!!!

My baby turned 3 today!!!!

So we had a Toy Story 3 birthday with the cousins!!!

Max got Buzz Lightyear from Mommy and Daddy!!

He loved the spaceship box almost as much as Buzz himself!!!

All the cousins had so much fun playing with the new toys: Handy Manny, Trio, and Duplo!!! They had a blast!!!

All in all it was a great birthday. Little brother/sister decided not to come today (although mommy was unsure at some points). Max celebrated with his cousins and had a wonderful time (except he still doesn't like it when people sing to him!!!).

And just for a trip down memory's my baby, just minutes after he was born.....

And the chair pic that started it week old. He was such a little peanut and is now my big big boy!!!

Happy Birthday Bubby Max!!!!! Mommy, Daddy and Jake love you sooo much!!!