Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tot School

Tot School

Max is 28 months and Jake is 10 months

Tot school was a little light this week and I have NO pictures:(. We all have horrible colds and with blizzard like conditions it was a very lazy week!!!

But the boys continued to have fun with colors, A activities, playing ball with one another, and just having some good play time!!! Max is mastering all the letter sounds (thanks to the fridge letters and the letter factory DVD!!!).

This week we'll start B crafts and continue color and number learning!!!

For more ideas on tot school and activities (especially during Blizzard watch 2010!!!)....check out Carisa's blog:


Monday, February 8, 2010

Book time!

Max loves books and I think Jake is following his lead!! I love this soooo much!!

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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Tot School!!!

Tot School

Another great week of Tot School!!!! We love Tot school!!!!
Max is 28 months and Jake is 10 months!!

First a pic of Jake exploring!! I dug up some toys Max used to play with and let Jake work on manipulating things. He enjoyed them (and fit most of them in his mouth!!)

We colored our A page I found from Homeschool Creations. We have never colored much with actual crayons so this was very fun for Max and I see I can trust him a lot more than what I realized!!!

I got out the Color cards I made and Max LOVED them!!! We sorted his cars on them and then pretty much anything else we could find!!! I want to make another set a little more sturdy!! He even was singing "green, blue, purple (puhple)" at night when he was going to bed!!! We surprised daddy with how well we knew our colors by spreading them out and calling a color out to Max and he'd bring the card to us!!!! He wanted to play with these every day!!! And they were so simple!!!

On Wednesday I cut out his A pictures he had colored and we pasted them on his A sheet for his notebook. He would point to the items and tell me what each was!!!

I think the highlight of the A week was paper AIRPLANES with daddy!!!

Jake thought they were absolutely hilarious!!!

Daddy also built a fort for Max and Jake (and daddy) to play in!!!

They had soooo much fun playing in it!!!

Next week plan on wrapping up A and reviewing our A verse, then starting some Valentine activities (from Totally Tots).

For more Tot school ideas, check out Carisa's Blog Carnival at:


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tools for tots: Color cards

Since I got both boys to nap at the same time (which is a victory in itself) I decided to make a "tool for tots"!!

I think I'll use these in many ways!! We'll start this afternoon hopefully sorting Max's cars by color! Max is digging colors a lot so I'm really hoping we can sort lots of things by color!!

Check out tools for tots for more diy ideas for your tot!!

Tools For Tots

Monday, February 1, 2010

Tot School!!

Max is 27 months and Jake is 9 months old!!

I'm still working out the details of what our activities are for Max, but I've decided to work through an ABC notebook using the verses from Totally Tots!! It's a great concept and has printables and I even bought the itunes that has the verses put to music!!!

We're just gonna start with A and work our way through the alphabet!!

We also did more coloring with Color Wonder!!!!

On wednesday we went to an amazing Children's museum!!! Local Moms, email me and I can tell you all about it!!! Max loved it and Jake enjoyed himself too!!!

Here he is playing with the "potting center":

He was a ham on the Stage Corner. He played with the microphone, piano, and lights:

The water table was a huge hit with all 3 of my boys!!!!


and even Daddy:
On Thursday I made our Chicka chicka Boom tree. I got the idea from Confessions of a Homeschooler.

Max says "tree" whenever he walks past. He points out the A and says "chicka chicka boom"

We also did more coloring on thursday.

I'm not going to necessarily do a letter a week. In fact I may work through the alphabet a little slower. I have some more A plans for this week as well as some color and number activities!!!

For more Tot school ideas, check out Carisa @ 1+1+1=1!!! I'm finding tons of ideas there!!!